The Ritz, Manchester

Rebecca Kelly

AFTER a two year break from the limelight, The Coral showed they are still on top, during an intimate gig at Manchester's Ritz.

The Wirral sextet took to the tightly-packed stage for the long anticipated launch of fresh material taken from their aptly titled forthcoming album, Invisible Invasion.

The small venue was perfect for the rabble of die-hard fans to get within breathing distance of the melodic musicians during the two hour set.

Unafraid to stray from familiar favourite's the gig kicked off with She Sings The Mourning a misty and dark offering followed by another new number; So Long Ago.

The trademark vocals of James Skelly came alive, as did the crowd with performances of the well-known Simon Diamond track Don't Think You're the First and the unforgettable Dreaming of You.

Throughout their sound retained the rugged individualism captured in the edgy lyrics.

In particular the new single, In The Morning, was enthusiastically performed with the echoing vocals.

The only downside? I have to wait untilnext month for the release of Invisible Invasion.