THE milder weather has seen sport improve at most Warrington Anglers' Association venues with Budworth Mere being the place to make for if you fancy some feeder action for skimmers and bream.

Alan Davies visited the venue and catapulted his bread feed - laced with casters, maggots and corn - in a tight area just over the ledge, and waited for some indication on his quiver tip.

It wasn't long before his tip went round resulting in a bream of 5lbs, which had taken the offering of double red maggot, in his landing net.

He had a few quiet spells as the fish drifted off his feed but still ended up with an estimated weight of over 100lbs.

Bream are starting to feed on the Bridgewater Canal with a number of specimens being caught to 5lbs.

Clive Jones fished a late afternoon and evening session at Thelwall using pole and pellet with soft pellet on the hook, and had 13 skimmers to 1lb and six bream to 4lbs. Roach and gudgeon are feeding well to maggot, squat, or pinkie.

There is plenty of fish movement at Grey Mist Mere but precious little being landed, save for the odd lower double.

Bailiff John Phoenix witnessed the largest eel he had ever seen, which uncharacteristically swam slowly on the surface through his peg before vanishing into the depths.

The fishery has consistently produced large eels over 7lbs and is a well-known venue to the Anguila Club.

John Sankey reports catching a grass carp of 22lbs 6ozs 0drms from Moore Quarry on fishmeal boilies.

The grass carp that we transferred on licence from Ackers Pit a number of years ago have now almost trebled their weight.

The fish that remained in the smaller water, although healthy, have remained at between 7lbs and 8lbs.

Woodshaw Reservoir is producing some good catches of roach, crucians, and a few tench to maggot, caster or paste - Ron Matthews had roach to 12ozs and five crucians on pole and caster.

Cicily Mill Pool was popular last weekend with every peg being occupied, but only a few tench and carp were reported.

Please contact me with any catch reports on 01928 716238, fax 713898 or e-mail HQ Parker Street will open as usual on Friday between 7pm and 9.30pm. Frank Lythgoe

Results: Briars Cup Open: 1, Phil Matthews 9-0-0; 2, Alan Shepherd 5-9-8; 3, John Cullen 4-5-4; 4, Ron Taylor 4-3-0. Woodshaw Reservoir Junior Series: 1, Lee Andrews 6-0-4; 2, Richard Hines 3-13-8; 3, Mike Chung 2-1-0; 4, Richard Chung 2-0-0. Disabled and Over 60s: 1, Roger Peet 8-0-0; 2, Barry Owen 6-13-0; 3, Harry Newton 4-6-0; 4, Ken Graham 4-5-4.

Upcoming events: Saturday: Sid Jones Open, Sankey Canal, draw 10am at Carterhouse. Book with Chris Grehan on 635373. Monday: Woodshaw Reservoir Junior Series, draw 5pm in car park. Tuesday: Honorary and OAPs, draw 1.30pm at Euclid Avenue (pegs 548-588).