THE employment team at Warrington Disability Partnership has been celebrating the success of their latest client to find work.

Paul Underwood, of Cronulla Drive, Great Sankey, has a health problem that made it difficult to find a job.

A former member of the Kings Regiment, upon leaving the Army the 24-year-old maintained a very active role in the TA but needed help with starting a career.

He said: "I was looking for a job for ages but just seemed to be getting nowhere.

"The employment team looked at what my needs were and what I was skilled in, prepared me for interviews and most of all gave me confidence in my ability."

The WDP volunteer is due to start working as a sales advisor for BT in May and says he couldn't have achieved this without the help of the employment team.

He said: "They really were amazing, I couldn't give them enough praise.

"Without these guys I wouldn't have a job."

Based at the Centre for Independent Living on Beaufort Street, the employment team can provide help in all aspects of finding work and offers a wide variety of funding.

Many people do not realise that all that is required for employers and employees alike is to get in touch and see if you are eligible for support.

Steve Quick, placement advisor, said: "A lot of employers and businesses don't actually know about the disability and employment services available."

The team helps people with health problems or a disability find work, but also helps people manage the transitional period between jobs and offers support to clients with an established career.

Businesses can benefit from training on the Disability Discrimination Act, a consultancy service on issues around disability at work and even funding for office adaptation.

Anybody interested in the opportunities available from the WDP can contact the employment team on 240440 or yopu can e-mail