RESIDENTS in Great Sankey have said they will not stand by after an apparent racist attack on Saturday night.

Racist slogans were scratched on a large blue car parked outside the Golden City takeaway, on Park Road, and the tyres were slashed.

A large St George's cross was engraved on the bonnet and neighbours suspect St George's Day could have been the motive behind the attacks.

Countless other vehicles parked nearby were also vandalised in the attacks which residents believe took place in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The combined bill for the damage is likely to run into thousands of pounds and residents were angry about the attacks.

Cars were vandalised not just on Park Road but in the neighbouring Princess Avenue too.

One resident, who did not wish to be named, said: "It is absolutely disgusting.

"And it is something you just do not expect around here. We have never had a problem with racism and we are not about to let it start now.

"It is probably youngsters that have done this but slashing tyres is just so malicious.

"I came to start the car and get some petrol on Sunday morning and pretty quickly realised that something was wrong"

He said it was then that the scale of the attacks became evident.

Inspector Brian Heywood, Warrington West neighbourhood policing inspector, said: "Racial crime is abhorrent and if anyone has any information about this, we want to follow it up as a matter of urgency."

Police have confirmed they had four extra reports of damage to the cars in the area.

Call PC Carl Matthews at the neighbourhood policing unit on 01244 612625 if you have any information.