A GROUP of residents are so annoyed with the loss of parking spaces outside their homes that they have complained to a Government watchdog.

Neighbours on Bentham Road in Culcheth say they have been left with no choice but to speak to the ombudsman after a planning loophole saw them lose a parking bay they have been using for decades.

The removal of the bay, which houses between 10 and 15 cars, is necessary because of a nearby housing development.

Now Neil Gilbody, who lives on the road, said the residents were making an official complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman

They are planning to bring a case of maladministration against Warrington Borough Council.

He said: "We feel that they have left us no option but to take this action.

"We have requested visits from planning officers, highway officials and local MPs and all have agreed that there has been a major oversight regarding parking provisions."

As reported previously in the Warrington Guardian, residents were horrified to discover that after a planning application was agreed.

It was altered so that a parking bay people have used for decades will disappear.

Residents are willing to alter their front gardens to house cars, but have been told the price of dropping the kerb and paving a grass verge could reach £2,500.

Mr Gilbody said he had no idea where people could now park - because parking on the street would block the road.