PROBLEMS with nuisance youths usually arise because teenagers have 'nowhere to go and nothing to do'.

And while the majority of youths are not out to cause trouble - they just want to meet up and chat with friends - there is a minority who do cause problems for their local community.

Tackling the root causes of youth nuisance is an important issue for Whitecross residents.

They voted for police and other agencies to address the lack of facilities for youths in their area at the community action meeting (CAM) in February.

Community Support Officer (CSO) Kath Harkin gave a presentation on behalf of the Whitecross Home Zone project to show some of the things that are being done in the area to help young people.

These include the creation of a basketball/football pitch, a youth shelter and a large play area for younger children on an area of land situated off Lovely Lane.

A representative from Warrington Youth Service also gave a talk on future project ideas they have to engage with local youths.

Community action team (CAT) officers will now work together with the Youth Service to implement these.

Janette Wallace Gedge, project manager for Community Engagement, said: "More and more residents are taking part in the CAMs.

"They are working with the local CAT officers and our partner agencies to set key priorities to make Whitecross a safer and more pleasant place to live."

The issue of youth nuisance remains the top priority voted for by local residents.

The next Whitecross CAM is on Wednesday, June 1, at 7pm at St Barnabas Primary School, Collin Street.