THE angelic image of a young meningitis victim from Warrington is being used by a leading charity to help raise awareness of the disease and potentially save hundreds of lives.

Adam Doughty was just 11-years-old when he was stuck down by a fatal strain of meningococcal meningitis and septicemia in November 2003.

He battled for his life for six gruelling days before dying in his mum's arms at Pendlebury Hospital, Manchester after the disease stuck out of the blue.

Since his death his mum, Alyson and dad, Ray, from Birchwood, have channelled their grief into raising awareness of the potentially fatal disease and have distributed cards throughout the region listing the symptoms.

And now the couple have teamed up with The Meningitis Trust to publish special bookmarks featuring Adam's picture to help save even more lives in his name.

The production of the bookmarks was paid for by the provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cheshire.

Alyson said: "The bookmarks are about raising awareness and not raising money but, despite this, I've had so many people come up to me with cash for the trust, it's truly amazing.

"I'm so proud of Adam, he's certainly made his mark. He'd be thrilled that we are using his picture to draw attention to the symptoms of meningitis and to save other lives.

"Although we'll probably never know just how many lives he has saved, even if it goes some way to saving just one family from the grief and agony we went through then Adam would be happy."

The bookmarks are available from the Warrington Guardian reception.

For bulk orders for schools and libraries, call Christine on 0845 120 4764 or e-mail