WHAT began as a tourist trip to Goa turned into a life changing experience for an Orford couple who now regularly return to the city's slums to help thousands of street children who live there.

Sue and Bryan Wilkinson, of Gough Avenue, Longford, first holidayed in India four years ago. As they explored the country, they stepped off the tourist trail and were overcome when they witnessed first hand the abject poverty of the street children.

Since then, they have returned four times, taking with them boxes of clothes for the children living in El Shaddai street child rescue homes.

They have sponsored their own child, nine-year-old Laxmi, who is cared for in one of six El Shaddia homes or night shelters.

Laxmi's father, a barber, was unable to support his daughter as her mother was mentally disabled. She died two years ago but Laxmi maintains regular contact with her father thanks to El Shaddia, which means 'Lord of comfort, provider of all'.

Sue said: "We'd always wanted to visit India but we never imagined that this would happen. Now we're hooked and can't wait to return. Laxmi is always so pleased to see us and she's doing really well."

El Shaddia began with just 18 children in 1997, and the charity now runs four residential care programmes for nearly 400 children.

It provides safe shelter for children during the night, medical facilities, education in personal and general hygiene and basic reading and writing.

Sue and Bryan would like to hear from anyone who is planning to visit Goa who can take with them vital supplies for the street children.

Storage facilities and fundraisers are also needed.

If you can help, contact Sue and Bryan on 639387 or e-mail Wilkinson-b-s@orfordwa2.fsnet.co.uk