THERE will be extra taxis on Warrington's streets - and the drivers may have to smarten up too.

Councillors meeting on Monday night agreed that an extra 15 licenses for hackney cabs will be given out each year, for the next five years.

This is to boost the number of hackney cabs, as Warrington is currently dominated by private hire firms.

Clr Linda Dirir, the borough council's executive member for sustainable environment, said the extra vehicles would help people to get home quicker after a night out in the town centre.

She added: "There is nothing wrong with there being an excess of private hire cabs but in terms of getting people out of the town centre quickly, it is essential to have this growth."

Also in the new rules, agreed at a meeting of the full council, is a commitment to improve the age of the vehicles and encourage the drivers to dress smarter.

"It is an important step to bring in a dress code because a taxi driver is often the person who gives the first impression of Warrington," added Clr Dirir.

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