FIREFIGHTERS are urging residents to ensure that they have a smoke alarm fitted after eight people escaped what could have been a fatal blaze.

The fire took hold in the kitchen of a property on Mill Lane, in Stockton Heath, in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Two fire crews attended the scene and said that if it had not been for the smoke alarm upstairs then there would have been fatalities.

As it was, when the fire crews got there, a woman, her six children and a family friend had made a lucky escape.

Mike Hardman, Stockton Heath watch manager, is urging people to make sure that they have alarms fitted in their homes.

He said: "The smoke alarm at this house has saved eight lives.

"Let's not make excuses for people not having smoke alarms.

"They are available from fire stations and can be fitted for free. Eight lives have been saved - let's keep it that way."

For a home safety check, call 639129.