SCANNING the room nervously, Halton's future MP and his two rivals eyed their prospective interrogators with apprehension and suspicion.

But once they realised the 30-strong crowd at Age Concern's Q&A session wouldn't bite (yet) the candidates soon slipped easily into their charm offensive.

Incumbent MP Derek Twigg and rising Conservative hotshot Colin Bloom worked the front row while Lib Dem Prof Roger Barlow immersed himself in deep conversation with a would-be voter at the back.

All three colours fielded questions on work and pensions, crime, nursing, discrimination, caring provision and the role of grandparents.

Mr Twigg stood by his party's strong line on the economic improvements pensioners have benefited from under a Labour Government.

Mr Bloom reiterated his passion for bringing back respect, dignity, freedom and choices for the older generations, especially since no-one, including himself was getting any younger.

And Prof Barlow talked about doing away with means testing so that people could claim entitlements more easily and taxing the rich to pay for the poor.