NOT even the rain could dampen the spirits of the people who lined the streets of Middlewich on Saturday to watch this year's rose fete procession.

Crowds of people lined up along Wheelock Street to cheer on the procession of royalty, fairies, dancers and fire cadets as it wound its way through the town.

The parade, led by Rode Hall Silver Marching Band, left Somerfield car park shortly after 1.30pm and travelled along Darlington Street and Wheelock Street, finishing at the Civic Hall where Amy Edwards, 14, took centre stage to be crowned as this year's rose queen. Retiring queen Sara Cooper-Bagley, 16, who was joined by attendant Chelsea Povall, wished Amy 'plenty of sunny Saturdays' for the year ahead before officially opening the crowning ceremony.

She said: "Chelsea and I would like to thank everyone for their support in the past year, we've had a great time."

She then wished Amy luck for the year ahead before presenting her with the rose queen's sash.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Middlewich, councillors Jim and Dorothy Basford, crowned Gabrielle Ellison, six, as fairy princess and Imogen Traynor-Barry, nine, as the fete's first rose princess before Amy was officially pronounced Middlewich rose queen for 2005. In her speech Amy thanked the crowds for their support and revealed that she had plans to raise money for a local children's charity during her year as rose queen.

Organisers of the event were absolutely thrilled with the success of the event. Clr Jean Eaton, who revived the fete last year, said: "I'm sorry I couldn't get the weather right but it's been a wonderful day and I'd like to thank everyone for their support."

Committee member Gemma Ellison added: "I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. Everyone looks absolutely beautiful."