A WORLD sports tournament is coming to Middlewich in 2007 even though the development where it will take place has not yet been built.

The British Indoor Cricket Association (BICA) has announced its decision to stage the 2007 World Cup at a 'newly developing site in Cheshire', which directors of MPS UK Ltd have confirmed will be at their proposed sports development at Midpoint 18. Director Marjory Issatt said: "It will be at our site. It's very, very good news for the development."

Plans for the site - which include an Olympic sized pool, sports halls and a hotel - have not yet been submitted to Congleton Borough Council, but Ms Issatt says they will be with the council within the next seven to 10 days.

She said: "We will do it in a phased approach. The sports dome and outdoor facilities will be open by Christmas and swimming pool will be open in 12 to 15 months."

Bob Manca, of BICA, is looking forward to the tournament and is not concerned that the complex has not yet been built. He said: "When we saw plans for this type of facility we knew it would support the event magnificently and I've been given assurance that this will take place."

Ms Issatt said MPS UK Ltd has applied to the Northwest Regional Development Agency and Sport England North West for funding but although neither of these bodies has made a decision, Ms Issatt said that both parties are 'on board'.

She said: "They are on board now and happy to support the development so things are falling nicely into place."

But Kris Koral, Cheshire area manager for the Northwest Regional Development Agency, said: "We have not made any decisions. It is only in its very early stages.

"We have had some preliminary discussions but it would be wrong of Marjorie to think that any decision has been made."

Sharon Burns, marketing manager at Sport England, said as Sport England was a Government agency she was unable to comment until after the General Election.