ONE of Middlewich Clean Team's youngest members is asking people to stop dropping litter in the town.

Lauranda Drayton, of Fallon Close, felt so sad about the amount of litter on the streets that she wrote a letter to the Guardian asking for people to help solve the problem. In her letter the seven-year-old wrote: "I want people to help the clean team to pick up litter. There is too much litter because people drop it. Me and my mum pick up litter on the way back from school but if people didn't drop it we wouldn't have to.

"Please can you help the clean team to clean up Cheshire?"

The Cledford Junior School pupil joined Middlewich Clean Team with her mum Gill last month. She said: "I just wanted to be in the clean team and to help make everywhere look nice."

Lauranda already has school friends helping out but wants more adults to join the group.