A DOCTORS' surgery in Middlewich is so full to capacity that it has been forced to close its patient list.

The number of patients being treated at the Acorn's Surgery, in Wheelock Street, has almost doubled in the 10 years since the practice opened and as of May 1, doctors at the surgery will not be able to register any new patients.

Dr Curbishley, who opened the practice in July 1995, said: "We will not be accepting any new registrations. We are now just over 4,500 patients and this is above how many patients the surgery can handle.

"We have got a premises constriction and although we have been saying this for ages the Primary Care Trust says that there is not going to be an extension."

He added: "I think this was avoidable. Had they listened to what was being said two years ago this situation was predicted. We predicted that there would be problems to do with the growth.

"Basically the practice has grown so much and is still in the same premises that it was in when the patient list was half this size."

In December 2004 a feasibility study found that the premises could be extended but Dr Curbishley was told an expansion would not happen because there were no funds available.

He said: "The survey should not have been done in the first place, I feel a bit let down."

Dr Curbishley could not say how long the list will be closed for, although he estimated it would be for around three months.

He said: "We estimate our turnover at about 10 per cent, in which case it will fall in two to three months to just under 4,400.

"I don't want it to be closed any longer than possible but I really don't know how long it will be."

Dr Michael Pyrah, chief executive of the PCT, said there should not be any problems with new Middlewich residents because Oaklands Medical Centre has agreed to keep its list open.

Dr Pyrah said: "I don't envisage there will be problems in finding another surgery, although we would like patients to be able to have a choice."

He said funding an extension at Acorn's Surgery would not be possible as there are plans to develop a new medical centre in Middlewich. He added: "We are developing new premises and we would be keen for Dr Curbishley to move into them."