DOCTORS in Winsford will be united by the benefits and opportunities of a new state of the art health super centre.

The green light has been given to plans for Winsford Health Park, which will be built on land off Dene Drive and will bring three of the town's surgeries together under one roof.

Weaver Vale Surgery, High Street Surgery and Swanlow Lane Surgery will be incorporated in the centre together with facilities and services that are currently only available at Leighton Hospital.

Staff say they are looking forward to their move.

Val Andrews, practice manager at Weaver Vale Surgery, said: "From a practice and staff point of view we will have much better working conditions - more consulting rooms and hopefully, in the not too distant future, scope for more GPs.

"We've put up with an old building for a long time so everybody's looking forward to moving into a new state of the art building."

Project manager John Ranson said: "All of the GPs have been short of space so conditions will be better for staff and patients.

"Winsford is also short of GPs but the centre will have enough capacity for four more full time GPs."

He added: "Doctors will be able to share good practice, speak to each other and carry out joint research work and patients will be able to see different professionals in the same place instead of making four or five different visits."

Health care in the town will be revolutionised by the development, funded by Central Cheshire Primary Care Trust, which also aims to provide services such as minor operations, blood tests and physiotherapy.

When it opens, High Street Surgery will remain open to provide mental health services for the people of Winsford.

A public open evening is planned for July to give people an idea of what is in store.