THE hard work of young people in Winsford was recognised last night during an awards ceremony.

Y Action youth group held its annual awards at the Community House on Bedford Rise and there were many worthy winners who have given up much of their time to help others.

The group organises events in the community such as fun days, clean ups on the estates and helps raise awareness of drug issues.

Project coordinator Karen Baker said: "The kids look forward to this event and I think it is important that people are aware of the work they do in the community.

"They are a great bunch of kids who work very hard and they all deserve this recognition."

Winners of community awards were Kim Hill, Simon Hill, Rebecca Hill, Jennifer Baker, Sarah Baker, Craig Jones, Sam Setchell, Graham Jones, Sandra Done, Lisa Hill and John Baker.

Young volunteers of the year were Nicola Hill and Elizabeth Baker and this year's music awards went to Kayley McDean and Sarah Baker.

Group members voted Woodford Lodge High School as their support school of the year. Their community agent award went to Muir Housing.

Young fundraiser of the year awards went to Kim Hill, Victoria Baker, Sarah Baker, Natasha James, Rebecca Hill and Sapphire Brogen.

The Y Action top award went to Lisa Hill, Jennifer Baker and Kim Hill.

The award is the icing on the cake for Jennifer who received a national volunteering award earlier this year.

Y Action meets at Community House every Tuesday at 6pm and on Thursdays at 4pm and new members and adult volunteers are welcome.

For more information, call Karen Baker on 01606 559677.