A LETTER has been sent to the Deputy Prime Minister in a desperate attempt to stop a waste disposal site being built near to schools and a medical centre.

Vale Royal Borough Council has approved plans to build the facility despite objections from residents and councillors who are outraged that it will be built near to the Neuromuscular Centre, Hebden Green School and Woodford Lodge High School.

But Sue Walker, who works at the Neuromuscular Centre, has sent a letter to John Prescott outlining her concerns.

She said: "We work with children and adults who are the most vulnerable in our society and I just can't see the logic in having this here.

"It is my fear that this will be built and in the future they will realise that it is harmful to these vulnerable children.

"We want to know why there are no guidelines for building this type of facility because we have tried to find them but can't."

Letters have now been sent to Government officials in education, health and transport and Sue is hoping it will raise the awareness of the situation.

She said: "I'm hopeful we will get some good responses but I just want to make people aware of what is happening here.

"What kind of message does this send out? It is basically saying to the vulnerable people that you deserve to be near the rubbish.

"There is not enough research into facilities like this and until we know for sure that it will not harm the health of these children it should not be built."