ONE of the country's leading performance poets will be arriving in Winsford on Saturday to showcase some of her most popular material.

Joolz Denby will be reading from her four collections of published poetry and with 26 years of experience it promises to be a memorable occasion.

She will also give budding poets the chance to enhance their talents with a workshop entitled Speaking Out: How To Perform Poetry In Public and it is a rare opportunity to get advice from one of the most successful modern poets.

Elizabeth Newall, literature and reading development officer for Cheshire County Council, said: "Not only will poets have the unique opportunity to benefit from her wealth of experience at the workshop but the public will be in for a rare treat at the evening event.

"It is very exciting to be staging an event with a writer of Joolz's calibre and literary standing.

"She has just been shortlisted for this year's prestigious Orange Prize for Fiction for her third novel Billy Morgan."

Joolz has toured the world giving group readings of both poetry and prose as well as holding training sessions in performance skills for authors, poets and lecturers.

She has also starred on both television and radio, performing alongside artists including Jools Holland.

Joolz will give a performance of her work at Winsford Library starting at 7pm and will hold the workshop on the same day between 10.30am and 4pm.

Performance tickets cost £4 including refreshments and are available by calling the library on 01606 552065.

For more information on the workshop, call Elizabeth Newall on 01244 602898.