THE memories of 12 Moulton men who lost their lives in the Second World War will be commemorated in a new book written by a former villager.

Geoff Crompton, who lives in Hartford, hopes that Another Dozen, his second book about Moulton servicemen, will be published in time for the celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of VE Day.

The 71-year-old hopes it will equal the success of his first book 34 Men, which has sold about 900 copies since its publication in 2000 and details the 34 men from the village who died in the First World War.

Geoff, of Lambert Way, spoke to relatives and friends of the 11 men to find out about them and researched their different roles in the war and what their particular objectives were.

He said: "I love the place and what's more I love the people there."

Another Dozen, priced £7.50 with proceeds going to the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association, will be available from Moulton newsagents, the British Legion and Geoff himself.

For more information contact him on 01606 76818.