VILLAGERS are divided about controversial plans to give the Kingsmead area its own separate parish council.

Support for separation hinges on what the residents want for the future of their village.

Currently two thirds of it is in Davenham parish and represented on the parish council, with the remaining third under the authority of Northwich Town Council.

Vale Royal borough councillor Will Charlton has led a month-long consultation with residents and believes results show the strength of support for separation.

But members of Davenham Parish Council are not satisfied feelings are strong enough and voted against supporting Clr Charlton's efforts to pursue the issue.

Speaking at the parish council's last meeting, parish chairman David Ravenscroft said: "Our official stance is that if that was what the majority of people so wished in the future, we'd support them.

"But we haven't got sufficient evidence to support that view."

Clr Charlton told councillors: "The results of an official questionnaire are about 125 for and seven against, which was a mandate to go forward with a petition.

"This has signatures of 10 per cent of residents, which allows us to go forward with the proposal to the borough council."

He added: "I feel strongly that a mandate from the residents exists."

Clr Brian Robinson, who proposed supporting Clr Charlton, said: "The presence of Kingsmead has grown and caused tremendous problems - affecting our work in the old village of Davenham.

"There is enough work in Davenham and Kingsmead to occupy two parish councils."

But Clr Arthur Wood said: "There are big benefits for Kingsmead being part of the Davenham community.

"We had to fight to get a school for Kingsmead and it was brought forward partly by the efforts of the parish council."

Clr Lorraine Dunne, who represents the Kingsmead ward, said: "We fully support the residents of both Davenham and Kingsmead and will continue to represent both parishes with 100 per cent effort."

l Would Kingsmead having its own council be good for democracy or a costly waste of time? Write to the Guardian, 15 Market Street, Northwich, CW9 5DT.