A WINNINGTON man has admitted benefit fraud over a two-year period totalling £12,700.

Alan Clarke, who appeared before Magistrates at Northwich on Friday, turned against authority when he was unable to get a grant to buy equipment for his disabled wife.

Clarke, 57, of Park Road admitted four charges of fraud and asked for a further 34 offences to be taken into account.

Albert Oldfield, prosecuting, said the fraud related to housing benefit, income support and Council Tax.

He said: "The defendant had four employers in total over the time in question.

"There was an admission of guilt in interview."

Henry Hills, defending, said Clarke's behaviour had been precipitated by an incident when he and his wife had been involved in a car crash which left his wife severely disabled.

Early in 2002, Clarke had asked for a loan to obtain a mobility vehicle for his wife, which had been refused.

Mr Hills said: "This is not a justification but at that point he developed a degree of antagonism against authority.

"The aggravating feature is the large sum of money which has come out of public funds and the calculated behaviour over a protracted period."

He added: "In mitigation there are his personal circumstances, he made full admissions and he has lost his good character well into adulthood."

Magistrates adjourned the case until May 24, for a pre-sentence report to be carried out leaving all options open.