A VICAR is asking for help to secure his Church after a series of crimes.

Rev Mark Greenstreet says St Mary's Church in Halton Village has been targeted by vandals and burglars.

He hopes a business will step forward with some security devices to aid the cash-strapped church.

"We are not a church that has a lot of money," said the Rev Greenstreet.

"I would absolutely love it if somebody like a local business could come forward with CCTV or something like that."

Rev Greenstreet said there have recently been two break-ins to the Church Hall, two small leaded windows have been smashed and a high window has been broken.

"The low windows were probably smashed by children," said Rev Greenstreet. "They are more than 100 years old.

He estimated the damage caused at 'thousands of pounds'.

Anyone who can help can contact Rev Greenstreet on 01928-563636.