A MARKET trader in mid Cheshire believes more should be done to create better facilities and more stalls to give people the opportunity to get on the business ladder.

Dave Colclough, owner of a card stall at Winsford market, has warned that people are not being given the opportunity to start a business at the bottom and work their way up to the top.

He said: "Renting a market stall is instantly available to anyone wishing to take their first steps into retailing.

"It gives them the chance to test their ideas without incurring prohibitive start up costs.

"Markets are the only place where people are given the chance to break into the business world.

"The unemployed, single parents or anyone with limited funds have a chance to be the next Alan Sugar.

"That's where he started along with countless others."

Dave's comments follow traders' calls for investment by Vale Royal Borough Council to improve facilities.

He said markets offer consumer choice, local jobs as well as services that are not provided by supermarkets and he believes Winsford Market has a long way to go to fulfil its vast potential.

Dave said: "It is dirty, dark, draughty and consequently people are only using it when they really need to but we cannot survive on only supplying what is not elsewhere.

"We believe that the council has a duty to recognise this community asset and take it forward into the 21st century."