A COUPLE of teddy bear enthusiasts are enjoying a successful time in business as market interest continues to grow.

Richard and Helen Ives, of Grange Road in Cuddington, set up Charlie's Furs and Fabrics 10 years ago and the business has gone from strength to strength.

They supply the materials necessary for expert artists to create intricate teddy bears and Richard explained just how popular it is becoming.

He said: "I think people would be surprised at how many people are interested in this now.

"We have been in business for 10 years and the market has changed quite dramatically in that time.

"There is what I call the play bears market and then there is our market for collectors and people who are really interested in it."

Richard and Helen are hoping their business will help to get even more people involved in making teddy bears and are even running courses to teach people how to do it.

"We are working with Mid-Cheshire College to run courses in this and it has been really good, he said."

Both Richard and Helen have always had a passion for teddy bears but it was only after Helen was made redundant from a previous job that they decided to start the business.

Richard said: "Helen came home one day and said she was being made redundant and a week later we had the business.

"We saw an advert for a unit at Blakemere Craft Centre and just decided to go for it - everything happened incredibly quickly."

The couple started the business selling teddy bears at Blakemere Craft Centre but now work at home selling the materials.

Richard said: "We work at home now but we still hold a fair every year at the craft centre which is really popular."

For more information on Charlie's Furs and Fabrics, ring 01606 884313.