RESIDENTS in Castle will be going to the polls tomorrow, Thursday, to vote for someone to represent them on the borough council.

The election has been called after Mel Slater, who represented the borough since 1996, retired through ill health.

Four candidates are standing for the election representing Labour, Conservatives, Liberal and one Independent.

Brian Cooke


"I'M a local man, married with grown up children and I have lived in Castle for 42 years.

"Myself and my wife Dee are both governors of a local school and are especially keen to support projects which improve services for youngsters.

"We have worked hard in the community for more than 20 years fundraising for local charitable organisations.

"We are both members of Northwich Town Council and I am asking for your support to join Labour's team of councillors on the borough council.

"I would be honoured to take up the Labour vacancy of Clr Mel Slater and would try my best to carry on her good work for all the people in my ward.

"I would strive for CCTV cameras in local trouble spots to try to stop crime and also for the older people to be properly cared for and safe.

"I want pavements and streets to be fit and safe to use.

"Opponents have cut our services.

"As the Vale Royal borough is now run by the Conservatives and their Lib Dem colleagues it is essential that we keep the Labour voice as strong as we can.

"Labour councillors want to see Council Tax used fairly. We should stand up for what the local people want.

"We want more litter bins near local takeaway outlets. We should ensure the refuse collection service works.

"Since our opponents have run the borough they have not listened to the people and they have made matters and services worse.

"Labour brought in the child tax credit for families, so help us to help you by voting Labour."

Kate Birtwistle


"CASTLE is traditionally Labour, a Conservative hasn't won here since the late Harold Fletcher.

"However, I am not standing to lose. As a Christian I believe in Fair Trade, social justice and I certainly don't believe in giving in.

"I don't intend to let things happen, I intend to make things happen.

"Residents don't like young people hanging around on street corners.

"As a youth worker I don't like it either - there are many better things they can be doing. We need to consult them, rather than imposing skate ramps on them.

"We all need a sense of responsibility for our area. A better local community doesn't require a huge amount of time, effort or hugging your neighbours - a community forum would give everyone the opportunity to be heard.

"You said you don't want landfill or incinerators, so what's the alternative? Recycling. How many people drive past the sign at Northwich tip that says: 'Last month you recycled 51 per cent'? Well done, 51 per cent of what - total waste or merely recyclable waste?

"Think about the waste we create - using several carrier bags rather than one 'bag for life'; using many lightbulbs over six months as opposed to one energy-efficient one lasting six years. Let's pester supermarkets to reduce packaging, or better, support our farmers and markets.

"How many people whose bins are always full have taken up the offer of a waste audit?

"If elected I would support recycling initiatives and strive for clearer information so people know what those initiatives are. These small things can make a huge positive difference."

John Turnbull

Liberal Democrat

"I GREW up in Barnton then moved away to west Cumbria and returned to live in Northwich, where I have lived for 20 years.

"I retired from work in 2003 and am putting my energies into the local community. I am a member of the Central Cheshire Primary Care Trust of Clinical Governance.

"I am keen to put some common sense into local politics and to represent the views of the local people in Local Government.

"I am objecting to and oppose the Cheshire Waste Strategy, which includes the mass incineration of waste.

"The local people do not want an incinerator in Northwich - we recycle our waste - why burn waste from other areas here?"

"I want to see safer roads and pavements and an end to anti-social behaviour.

"I support affordable alternatives to car travel and a public transport system that really works.

"I am very concerned about the real cuts made in public services in the past four years.

"The council has reduced the night bus service to rural areas and has increased the cost of social service provision for the elderly.

"These measures strike at the most vulnerable in the community.

"I will be working with the Liberal Democrats to make the county and borough councils local and relevant to all - sharing power and breaking down barriers."

Geoff Hayes


"ELECTORS of Castle Ward, you have a very difficult task on May 5 - four candidates, one seat.

"I probably have more overall experience of local government processes.

"The Northwich Vision project has gripped my interest mostly - although making suggestions about doing something about the traffic gridlock, which affects the ward twice a day in term time, has also taken up a few pages of submissions to Vale Royal Borough Council and Cheshire County Council.

"I would hope to encourage VRBC to follow Liverpool City Council's example of naming and shaming persons who allow their dogs to foul our urban pavements and also those who throw waste food to the wild pigeons in the town centre.

"That city also now takes court action against householders who wilfully put their wheelie bins out more than fortnightly to get more than their fair share of the refuse collection service.

"As regards generating interest in the poll, I have the view that the result will be heavily influenced by the candidate who can persuade the most female voters to cast their vote in his favour - and in that respect my printer recruited a very talented female graphic artist to design my leaflet.

"My instructions to her were: 'Here are some photographs, here is my test. Design me a leaflet which you would be willing to read if it came through your front door'.

"I hope the female electors of Castle ward will reward my opting for female talent by voting me in on May 5. She deserves it."