REGARDING off-road bikes, if the police and council found a good-sized field for these boys to ride, there would be no trouble.

There is plenty of ground in Northwich that is full of rubbish and scrub. Give some to these boys and they would clear it. Make them responsible for keeping it tidy. This would give them pride.

These boys do not mug old age pensioners (of which I am one). They do not shoplift or steal from gardens. I myself have watched these boys on their bikes. Most of them are very skilful, and I am speaking as an ex-biker.

The council pays wages to these so-called do-good social workers who take consistent offending, naughty children on ASBOs on days out. Instead they should spend time with the biker boys. But I suppose you have to be a druggie or a thief to get attention.

I suggest D Hughes (Guardian, April 20) thinks back to his childhood. I also suggest PC Fraser takes time to talk to the boys and find out their needs. He may then earn their respect, which he has not got at the moment. This would call for good police work.

Come on Vale Royal Borough Council and police, get your fingers out and help these boys.


Witton Park
