I MUST be psychic! When I saw that the board from one of the windows in the old Navigation Inn in Lock Street had recently been removed, I remarked that it was due to go up in flames.

The next thing will be that it will have to be completely demolished because it is unsafe, then probably the two other buildings in Lock Street will go the same way, then those round the corner, until the site is cleared for action.

We have stood by and seen so much of our heritage destroyed, eg the old market hall, the Sportsman, the White Lion, the old Gladstone Club and Moore & Brock.

Surely it is time someone was held to account for it and developers should be made to put them back as they were.

Presumably there are plans for apartments by the dozen as are springing up all over Northwich. The old Vics ground is an eyesore. And couldn't the Lidl building have been black and white without that awful red roof and tower?

Poor Northwich.

I think I'll move to Nantwich or Chester where they preserve their heritage and bring in the crowds.