AFTER members were welcomed to the meeting of Little Leigh WI, two members of the local Alzheimer's Society gave an interesting talk about their work and the support given to sufferers and their families. After the many questions were answered, Bernadette O'Donnell thanked them.

The recent craft show had been a success; the main winners were best of class art, Bernadette O'Donnell; best of class photography, Val Hensby; best of class pins and needles, Maggie Pinfold. Winners of the cups for most points in each category were art, Elsie Evans; photography, joint winners Margaret Jones and Elsie Evans; craft, Margaret Jones. The winner of the cup for most overall points was Elsie Evans.

Arrangements for the May fair on May 14 are in hand.

The competition for a spring posy was won by Val Hensby with Elsie Evans second and Jean Field third.

Teresa Morley and Margaret Jones were the 100 club winners.