PRESIDENT Sue Whiston welcomed members and friends to the April meeting of Antrobus WI.

Les Spencer, community safety officer from Cheshire Fire Brigade, talked about how to improve home safety.

Prevention being the most important thing, he told members about a free home fire services check, which includes fitting smoke detector alarms, as it is crucial that these are sited correctly.

He was amazed to discover that there were no smokers present, but many members were guilty of having electric blankets more than 10 years old. A very few members still use a chip pan.

The darts team were congratulated on claiming joint third place in the league, only one point behind the joint winners. The team that took part in the village quiz was thanked.

The competition for a safety tip was won by Sue Whiston, with Mo Potter second.

There is a car boot sale in Antrobus Village Hall on May 15. There will be a coffee evening at Fir Tree Farm on May 21, tickets are £1. There is also a visit to Tirley Garth on May 22. For details, call 01565 777227.

The next meeting is on May 10 when the resolutions for the annual meeting will be discussed. Members are asked to bring something sweet or savoury for others to taste - plus a recipe.