CHAIRMAN Mavis Dutton welcomed everyone to the April meeting of the Wednesday Club with a special welcome to two new members and was thankful that no one was absent through sickness or injury.

She advised the meeting that the outing to the Hat Museum in Stockport had been cancelled due to lack of support, but was hopeful that a better response would be forthcoming for the proposed trip to Ironbridge in September.

Speakers Alex, Jackie, and Lucy came from Age Concern Cheshire and proceeded to give a most interesting and informative talk on the work of the charity. They told members about the help available for day care, good value household insurance, car insurance and holiday insurance. They said there were also Get Active classes, help with transport and even classes to help people use computers, emails and the Internet.

They were thanked by Sheila Howell for an excellent talk which was most appreciated. The next meeting, on May 11 at Hartford Village Hall, will be about rape and pillage by the Vikings.