MEMBERS were welcomed to the April meeting of Dutton WI by president Mrs K Willis.

Mrs A Antrobus and Mrs W Spruce were joint winners of the Dutton's Darts Trophy and joint winners of the group darts trophy were Dutton WI and Walton WI.

Planned events include the luncheon club and scrabble and members were told that the bowls matches would resume.

They were asked for contributions towards the WI stall that will be at the May fair in Preston Brook Village Hall on May 14.

An outing to Southport is also planned for June 1.

Speaker for the evening Mrs E Eldridge discussed photography, showing pictures of different subjects including landscapes and water scenes. Mrs Eldridge was thanked by Mrs D Cope.

The competition for a vase of spring flowers was won by Mrs D Cope, with Mrs M Catlow second and Mrs S Rowland third.

Members J Okell, C Hough, M Gleave, S Tipon and J Gleave served refreshments.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, when the resolutions for the annual meeting will be discussed, followed by a talk from the Home Watch liaison officer.