RESIDENTS in Manchester Road, Lostock, say noisy motorbikes are making their lives a misery.

They say the situation has reached unacceptable levels and want the police to take action.

But current legislation means that police can only issue a warning to first time offenders and can only seize the bike after a second offence.

Suzanne Holliwell said she had suffered eight hours of motorcycle noise on one day three weeks ago. A week later she had to call the police at 10.30am in the morning to complain about noise.

Speaking about the second occasion, she said: "A police officer did attend and caught and confiscated two bikes, however four other riders disappeared along the towpath."

She added: "The general consensus of opinion when I have spoken to residents is that if the address is CW8 or CW9, the noise upsets far greater numbers than enjoy motorcycling.

"Therefore motorcyclists cannot be catered for in the area."