THE end of an era is approaching as a show that inspired the gardeners of rural Northwich for more than 25 years comes to an end.

Wincham, Pickmere and Marston Horticultural Society's 27th annual summer show held last August was also its last as organisers say it has run its course and there is just not enough interest in it continuing.

Jim Bate, who initiated the show with his wife Jennifer in 1977, said: "It has come to an end because society is changing - people are no longer growing their own vegetables and there are not as many people doing crafts.

"We've been struggling to get people involved and struggling to get younger people interested - last year was probably the worst yet for children's entries."

Jennifer explained that only three children entered the children's section last summer and that four of the five committee members are now pensioners who have been involved since the show began.

She said: "We really needed to get younger people on the committee with a view to continuing the show and we've tried desperately, but interest just isn't there."

Jim said: "Since 1998 we've been trying to do different things and have been in contact with other shows to see what they do differently but it really has come to the end of its natural life.

"The amount of effort to put it on and the work required is just not justified, but it really is a shame."

Jennifer added: "We've enjoyed what we've done and had some fun doing it - but all good things come to an end."

Any money left over in the society's show fund will be donated to St Luke's Hospice.