THE risk of sideways facing bus seats has been highlighted by a pensioner's death, says a coroner.

Ernest Moore died after falling and breaking his hip.

He had been on a shopping trip to Widnes with his wife.

The 84-year-old, from Runcorn, was sat on a fold-down seat, and when the bus braked to avoid a collision he fell into the gap left by the other two fold-down seats.

At an inquest into his death last Thursday, Deputy Assistant Coroner Dr Robert Hunter said: "I intend to use my authority as a coroner to write a letter of recommendation to the transport authority

"I will ask whether some safety device needs to be fitted to prevent injuries or even fatalities in similar circumstances."

Police investigators said they had never come across an accident like this before, but Dr Hunter said that CCTV footage of the fall demonstrated his concerns.

The accident happened in Widnes Road on November 3 last year. The bus braked while travelling at 22mph when an elderly woman turned into its path.

The car's driver, Margaret Johnson, had been waiting to turn into Lugsdale Road.

She said: "I saw the bus coming towards me, and it looked like it was slowing down to let me in.

"As I went to turn I realised it wasn't stopping, and I did an emergency stop, and so did the driver."

Mr Moore, of Constables Close, broke his pelvis. He died in hospital two weeks later from bronchial pneumonia, caused by immobility.

Dr Hunter recorded a narrative verdict, which is a new verdict available to coroners in this country, where the coroner's factual conclusions are briefly summarized.