A FATHER died just days after a dream move back to Widnes where he could be nearer his daughter, an inquest has heard.

John Maguire, 59, was said to be 'extremely cheerful ' to be leaving a Runcorn care home after being found a room at a Deacon Road bedsit close to his family, but was later found dead there after a heavy drinking session.

"I thought he'd be upset but he was happy to be going back to Widnes and was talking about seeing more of his daughter," Jane Thompson, a sensory disability social worker told the inquest.

Deputy coroner for Cheshire, Dr Janet Napier, ruled that Mr Maguire died of alcohol intoxication after an earlier drinking session at his new accommodation involving whisky and cider.

"It is a very tragic case where a gentleman was in the clutches of alcohol," Dr Napier said.

"Everyone had been trying to help him but unfortunately he didn't take any notice."

The retired HGV driver was found dead on the floor of his room last November by a fellow resident.

"I thought he had just passed out. I tried to do mouth-to-mouth but then knew he was dead because he was blue."

Mr Maguire's ex-wife, Rosemary Johnson, of West Bank, said he had always been a heavy drinker and had suffered weakness in his legs but had been 'starting to sort himself out' in the weeks before he died after years of family encouragement to seek help for his alcohol problem.

Social workers and care home staff had been aware that Mr Maguire would smuggle alcohol bought with his disability benefit into his room but told the inquest they were not entitled to stop him.

Verdict: misadventure.