Here's part two of our feature on what youngsters from Moorfield Primary School in Widnes would do if they became Prime Minister

"I would change the world so everyone gets on with each other."

John Taylor

"I would invent more hospitals and doctors for the ill people."

Jack Alexander Fenney

"I would let my mum and dad work less hours so we could be more like a family."

Laura Mercer

"I would change the law so you can come out of school when you're 12."

Leyton Baldwin

"I would make hospitals cleaner so they are not affected by the superbug."

Connor Morris

"I would make more disabled schools."

Emily Whitley

"I would try and do something about the greenhouse gases."

Thomas Evans

"I would make the area safe by getting a sniffing dog and they will sniff drugs and weapons that cause injury or death."

Kathryn Elizabeth Sullivan

"I would make more pets and insects."

Ellie McLaughlin

"I would give everyone a place to live."

Cliff Harding

"I would not let people park in front of drives unless it is your house."

Georgia Baldwin

"I would get more people to stop crime by getting more police officers."

Shaun Gornall

"I would build more hospitals, libraries and swimming baths so we can get more medicines, learn to read and swim."

Kyle Geraghty

"I would let people drive at the age of 20, no younger."

Jessica Whitley

"I would invent more hospitals and doctors for the ill people."

Jack Fenney

"I would serve healthy food in school dinners."

Chapa Kalawo