Vicar of St Paul's Tabley and St John's, High Legh

Ho-hum...election nearly over... boring, boring, boring... zzz...

Hang on! What's this?

There's a politician on TV saying something I've never heard before.

What was that again?

'I promise that the things I will do if you elect me will probably cost you more money, you won't necessarily benefit personally from them at all, and you may not agree with them either.

'I promise that every decision I make will be made in the name of justice, fairness and truth, even if it makes me unpopular.

'I want you to vote for me, not because of what you'll gain, but what I shall ask you to sacrifice in order to make this world a better place.'


Oh, sorry.

I was dreaming again...

Jesus said: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'

When you vote, whichever way, will you be putting His command into practice?