THE run up to VE Day will be an emotional time for many people and one Winsford veteran has spoken of his memories - both good and bad.

Alec Bayliff is the president of the Royal British Legion Winsford Branch and has dedicated 50 years of his life to the Winsford community following the Second World War.

VE Day on May 8 will mark 60 years since victory in Europe and for Alec and many other people who fought during the conflict it will be a proud occasion.

He said: "It doesn't seem like 60 years ago and it makes me feel very proud."

Alec served in many places around the world during the campaign including North Africa and notably Italy, where he was involved in successful missions in Naples and Rome.

He said: "Winsford has changed an awful lot in the past 50 years because after the war there wasn't a town centre like there is now."

Alec has given 50 years of his life for various organisations in Winsford including the Royal British Legion and Winsford United Football Club, where he was president.

Alec believes wartime service made him a better person.

He said: "It was a great experience because it broadened my horizons.

"Seeing so many of my pals killed made me appreciate life more when I came back."

The work Alec has done in Winsford was recognised last week when he received the Mayor's Award For Service in the Community.

VE Day will be a very special day for Alec and his fellow veterans and he hopes the younger generations will join him in remembering the sacrifices made by many people.

He said: "When we first went into the army we were 15 and 16-year-olds and I can't see the young lads of today doing that.

"I think it may well do them a lot of good if they did and realised what actually happened to make Winsford and other towns what they are today."