I COMPLETELY agree with Mr Rashid's views on barbaric blood sports and also understand his repulsion for dog racing as some of these animals lead horrific lives.

But he shouldn't tar the coarse fishermen with the same brush as the supporters of these so called 'sports', personally I do not consider fishing a sport.

Apart from the few bad apples that turn up in every barrel, the vast majority of anglers have a great love of the countryside and respect the diverse wildlife it supports.

We don't kill fish. Quite the opposite. We do all we can to ensure fish wildlife and their habitat are kept in excellent condition because we understand they all depend on each other.

The last thing an angler wants to see is a dead fish, not because it is one less fish to catch but because it is a dead animal and I would ask anyone with Mr Rashid's concerns about coarse fishermen to take the time to stroll down to their local waters and ask anglers their views on our environment, blood sports and their love of fishing.

Many of you will have to re-evaluate your perspective of the angler.

Finally, I fish at the Widnes end of the Widnes Warrington canal, which was once the barren eyesore known as the cut.

This canal is now heaving with fish and, as a result, herons, water voles, kingfishers and recently otters are being sighted due primarily to investment and pressure from angling clubs.

Neil Wallace,

Houghton Street,
