GEORGE Sampson's mum, Lesley, has been issued with a warrant after failing to turn up to court to answer charges of allegedly dumping George's fan mail.

She failed to appear at Warrington Magistrates' Court on May 27 so police issued a warrant for her arrest.

She is charged with depositing controlled waste on land where no licence was in force.

The charges relate to fan letters to George.

A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “Earlier this year the council's environmental enforcement team received a report of a fly tipping incident in the town.

"Following an investigation by one of our officers, evidence was retrieved and a prosecution followed under Section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

"A local lady was subsequently summoned to appear before Warrington Magistrates last week but failed to attend and the court therefore issued a warrant for her arrest.

"She has since been in contact and a new date for appearance is to be arranged."