PHARMACISTS in Birchwood are now able to give people basic heart and allergy checks after the Government pledged to make them more readily available.

The Co-operative Pharmacy has been offering cardiovascular risk assessments and allergy tests to clients since a survey showed people wanted clinical services to be available in their pharmacies.

Kate Molyneux, pharmacist at the Birchwood Co-operative Pharmacy, wants people to know they can get basic checks without having to go to hospital.

“Many customers are completely unaware that they could be at serious risk of heart disease. The healthy heart check will draw attention to issues earlier and could save hundreds of lives by helping prevent the onset of this chronic disease.”

If the test shows a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years, patients are referred to their GP.

The allergy testing service involves a pin prick test that checks for 10 allergens.

The healthy heart check costs £19.99 and the allergy check costs £29.99.