CHILDREN and staff at St Philip’s Primary School said goodbye to an old friend when they threw dinner lady Marion Scholes an official retirement party.

The 74-year-old has worked at the Westbrook school for more than 14 years.

Towards the end of her time at St Philip’s she began to suffer from poor health, but she carried on working as a dinner lady and cleaner until March this year.

Jackie Taylor, a secretary at the school, said: “All the children miss her and ask how she is, because her daughter Janet still works at the school.

“All the little reception children used to hold her hand and she was lovely to them.

“Over recent years, despite poor health, Marion carried on her work saying her role as a midday assistant was very special to her as she loved being with the children.

“Due to a worsening of her health Marion decided to retire and staff, parents and pupils collected money to buy her a special gift and say a big thank you.”

Mrs Scholes was presented with a 15in flat screen TV and flowers during a special assembly organised so youngsters could say farewell.

Phil Carswell, head teacher at St Philip’s, said: “Many of the children will miss Marion. She has given a lot to our school and we hope she will stay in touch.”