ST Oswalds Mother’s Union in Winwick has celebrated its 90th anniversary with a buffet lunch, raffle and bingo party.

The church-based group, which was founded in 1919, boasts around 30 members.

And more than 50 people joined the celebration featuring entertainment from a singer and ukulele player, the Women’s Institute choir and a comedy act.

Branch leader Judith Cownley of Cinnamon Brow said: “We had a very enjoyable time, the entertainment was good and the buffet that was put on was excellent.

“We run a lot of activities, we have a knitters and natterers group and we do a lot of charity type work.

“But we have a lot of fun going on outings as well and we are off to Boundary Mill next month.”

To find out more about the group contact Judith on 828048.