A YOUTH worker for south Warrington is striving to create more opportunities for the 1,050 teenagers living in the area.

Ian Probert, a youth worker, attended Appleton Parish Council on May 19 to talk about the need for better youth provision in the patch.

He said young people want somewhere safe where they can meet with friends, take part in activities, better transport into the town and more consideration of their needs.

Mr Probert said: “We know that they meet outside the Bridge Lane shops, on the rugby fields behind them and on the Millennium Green.

“It’s also clear that some of them are being moved on from each of these areas because residents don’t want to see them there. They say this is happening even when they are not doing anything wrong.

“This is not intended as a complaint about the police, they are merely responding to the calls from the residents.”

The police, the youth service and councillors all support change.

Any young people wanting to know what is available for them in the area or anyone who can offer suggestions should call Ian on 07920 270024.