A 21-YEAR-OLD who launched a flying kick during a town centre fight before his girlfriend attacked another girl with her stiletto heel has avoided prison.

Daniel McManus, aged 21, and Katie Houghton, aged 23, admitted assaulting Daniel Woodward and Leanne Smith at Warrington Crown Court on Monday.

The court was shown CCTV footage of the young couples arguing outside the taxi rank on the corner of Academy Way and Bridge Street after a night out on January 14 last year.

Caroline Harris, prosecuting, said McManus launched a flying kick at Mr Woodward and the pair exchanged punches before the victim fell to the ground, hitting his head.

Houghton then attacked Miss Smith, hitting her several times with her stiletto heel.

Miss Harris said: “She had a cut to her forehead and felt blood. He was out cold and bleeding.”

McManus, of Falmouth Drive, and Houghton, of Cuerdley Road, both Penketh, fled the scene but were arrested later that night.

McManus said he had acted in self-defence while Houghton said she did not know how the fight started.

Mr Woodward refused to help police but Miss Smith told officers she now suffers from anxiety and is worried when they go out socialising.

Michael Scholes, defending McManus, interrupted Miss Harris’ opening statement, saying it was not what was agreed.

Apologising as his mobile phone went off in court, he later added that it did not reflect what was shown on the CCTV cameras and that his client was was ‘not the initial aggressor’.

He added: “Mr Woodward’s lack of co-operation with the police in this matter speaks volumes.”

Judge Nicholas Woodward said Houghton had ‘completely overreacted to the situation’.

He handed her a conditional discharge and ordered her to pay £250 compensation to Miss Smith. McManus was sentenced to 100 hours’ community service.

The couple, who held hands in the dock, must each pay £187.50 costs.