WARRINGTON goes to the polls today, Thursday for the European Elections.

But Brussels and Strasbourg is likely to be a long way from voters’ minds as the UK parliamentary expenses scandal continues to rock the political world.

Residents across the north west will be electing eight Euro MPs for the region set to stand for the next five years.

And it could be that as many as three representatives from the smaller, minority parties could win seats.

Labour seems to have been worst hit in the expenses scandal (despite equally shocking revelations on all sides of the political divide) and look likely to hold on to only two seats.

Arlene McCarthy heads their list and Warrington resident and Euro MP stalwart Brian Simpson will also be hopeful of keeping his seat.

Incumbant Gary Titley stood down and the red rose party looks unlikely to win a third seat.

The Tories seem more likely to keep three MEPs.

Former Government minister Sir Robert Atkins heads their list while Saj Karim, who defected from the Lib Dems shortly after the 2004 poll, will also expect to be re-elected.

Jacqueline Foster is back on the list as current MEPs David Sumberg and Den Dover stand down. Stockton Heath-born Dover was involved in his own high-profile expenses scandal, falsely claiming around £500,000.

The Liberal Democrats will be hopeful of claiming a second seat to add to that of controversial veteran Chris Davies. Only this week, Mr Davies said most people in the north west would still have no idea who he was.

On the fringes, UKIP should now keep their one seat with Bootle-based Paul Nuttall now taking over from John Whittaker.

But the likely unpopularity of the major parties could see another minor party win a seat.

The Greens are well placed but fears remain that extremist right-wing fascists the BNP could get elected. Leader Nick Griffin stands in the north west. With turnout likely to be poor with people put off politics, the BNP is also a massive threat.

So before heading to the ballot box, ask yourself, would you be happy to be represented in Brussels for the next five years by a fascist? If not, vote for anybody else.

Also on the ballot paper are The Christian Party, The Jury Team, No2EU. Pro Democracy, Socialist Labour and Independent Francis Apaloo.