EVER imagined what it would be like to enjoy a pint while discussing Psalms?

Well with the help of a new church called the river you can experience just that as they have swapped the usual church hall for a town centre pub to meet at.

The river bills itself as ‘Warrington’s pub church’, offering you the chance to enjoy religious debate while enjoying a cold beverage.

It says that it is a place where ‘perfect people are not welcome’ and that it is designed for people who are not religious.

Drew McCarty, the pastor of the church, said: “We saw there was a need in town for a church that spoke the language of the common people and related to that culture.

“We started looking and saw that people make relationships and meet people in pubs and in our view that is what church is, it’s not a building but a community of people.”

Instead of pews parishioners get to sit on comfy sofas and instead of organ music and hymns they enjoy live music from a band before the start of the service.

“We said from the beginning we are a church for Christians and non-Christians, for followers and sceptics. It’s laid back and informal. We sit on sofas and you can get up at any time,” added Mr McCarty.

The church first started around a year ago but only earlier this year made the move to meeting at The Venue. Sessions had been running once a month but now the congregation has moved to weekly services.

Challenging traditional conventions when it comes to churches is one of the intentions of the river and members pride themselves on not becoming a preaching service, instead bringing debate into the service.

Mr McCarty said: “I’m not into roles and tradition for traditions sake. We give the opportunity for people not just to preached to but to ask questions.”

The group meet every Sunday at The Venue on Barbauld Street at 6pm.