A HAUL of more than £20,000 in cash and a substantial amount of suspected class A drugs have been seized during a police operation.

Five men and three women were arrested in the series of raids in the past three weeks across west Warrington.

Officers executed seven warrants in the first phase of Operation Strikeout. Its aim is to tackle drug use and supply to combat crime and disorder across the town.

Of the eight arrested, three men have been charged with drugs offences.

One has been charged with possession of a class A drug with intent to supply and money laundering, a second with possession of a class B drug and the third with possession of a class B drug and cultivation of cannabis.

Two men and a woman were cautioned for possession of a class A drug while a second woman has been bailed pending further inquiries.

No further action has been taken against the third woman.

A number of the suspicious substances seized from the houses have been sent for forensic testing.

Sgt Dan Lever, from Warrington west NPU, said: “The operation has given us a platform to carry on and support the intelligence and information we are receiving from the community.

“We have had a positive result from each address where we have executed a warrant and my main aim is to send a message out to the community that we are listening to what people are telling us and trying to alleviate their fears by acting on it.

“It is important that people feel they can approach us in person, or anonymously if they wish, with information and know that we will help them in any way we can.”

The ongoing operation will see officers from each of Warington’s neighbourhood policing units work alongside police from the wider dedicated drugs unit with support from the armed response unit.

The operation follows months of work by officers and information gathered from the community and partner organisations.

A number of the houses targeted during the operation are owned by Golden Gates Housing.

Peter Mercer, chief executive, said: “Golden Gates Housing and officers have worked closely together acting upon information received from the community regarding suspected drug activity.

“This has resulted in substances being seized, a number of arrests and charges as well as reassurance work within the community.”

Anyone concerned about drug use or with any information that could help police with their inquiries is asked to call 0845 458 0000.