A HAULAGE company that has suffered losses of more than £250,000 in three years of thieving sprees may be forced to close after the latest thefts.

Mike Spence Ltd, on Clayton Road industrial estate in Risley, has been the repeat victim of what managing director Mike Spence believes to be organised crime rings but police have not been able to solve one of more than a dozen incidents in the past two years.

Now Mr Spence fears he may be unable to continue the business as insurance companies are refusing to renew his policy.

He said: “My premiums are already £57,000 a year and my current insurance company said I needed a clear year to keep my insurance but this has put an end to that.”

The haulage company was broken into in the early hours of Saturday, May 2, when thieves stole £80,000 worth of goods from the yard and one of Mr Spence’s trucks and trailers.

Mr Spence, who at times has helplessly watched his goods being stolen and has been almost mowed down in one attempt to stop thieves, added: “Our CCTV caught someone wearing a balaclava enter the yard at midnight with a white, presumably, stolen truck and take one of our trailers at 2.50am and then at 4.45am they came back and stole one of our trucks and another trailer.

“Warrington is third highest in the country for truck crime, which cost the industry £177million last year in recorded stolen goods.”

He added: “If someone stole £80,000 worth of goods from a shop the police would be all over it but they have not solved any of our crimes.

“We don’t know if we can survive this. It is bigger than anything we have had before. I feel deflated and angry that the police haven’t done anything – they say it is down to resources and costs.

“When you read trucking websites you see it is happening everywhere. They are using tasers on drivers and security guards, killing guard dogs and doing hijackings with guns and machetes.

“Because it is big business they are ruthless and will stop at nothing to get the goods – if they want it they will take it. I am losing customers and am at absolute rock bottom.”

Mr Spence said the latest theft involved three men wearing balaclavas in their early 30s to early 40s. One was of big build and was wearing very baggy trousers.

Anyone with information should call police on 0845 458 0000.